Study of quality characteristics of teachers of the university

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The article was prepared on the basis of the research devoted to qualitative characteristics of teaching and professorial staff of the Russian universities conducted in 2016. During the research analysis of university human resources quality structure was made; level of loyalty and engagement was evaluated; subjective evaluation of own competitiveness was assessed; labor efficacy evaluation was conducted. Gradual university transformation (from university model 2.0. to 3.0. and prospectively to 4.0.) and model differentiation in modern Russian reality suggests the need for forming adequate resource support including quality human resources. The aim of this research article is to define qualitative characteristics of university teaching and professorial staff and evaluate their state in modern conditions on the basis of statistic data and questionnaires analysis. Authors suggest approach to university human resources quality based on three groups of criteria: professional qualities evaluation criteria, labor efficacy evaluation criteria and quality management efficacy criteria. The article presents individual indicators which can be used for evaluating university human resource quality according to the presented criteria. Fragmentary approach testing was made. The research presented the following results: respondents demonstrated high loyalty and support, but medium level of engagement into university work. Universities create favorable environment for development and self-realization, creative activities and communication; respondents have high academic and innovation potential and are ready to conduct research activities; however their labor potential is not used effectively. Respondents have high evaluation of personal competitiveness and only one fifth understands the need to improve it according to new conditions. In general the conducted research allows for defining main trends in managing university human resources quality. The article does not claim presenting a complete picture of the situation with human resources quality at Russian universities but is of interest for university executives engaged in developing methods of managing human resources quality.


Higher education, quality of human resources, quality management human resources, human resources university

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IDR: 142227199

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