Study of the methods for the objects group relative coordinates determination

Автор: Aleshechkin A.M., Dydaeva N.N., Katsura A.V., Musonov V.M.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника

Статья в выпуске: 3 (49), 2013 года.

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The article considers the problem of research of methods of determination of the coordinates of several ground-based objects in the local coordinate system. The authors make calculations of the errors positioning for the angle-ranging, ranging and difference-ranging methods, along with the comparison of the errors for the studied methods, as a result of which it was defined that the most exact is the ranging method of the objects coordinates definition, that do not contradict the known results. In order to reduce positioning errors in ranging and difference-ranging modes, the authors offer an option of the reference stations, based on the criteria of the total geometric factor minimum, obtained for the other stations. Use of this optimization provides for decrease of the errors of other stations coordinates determination. The calculation results are presented, along with the result of comparison of the errors in ranging and difference-ranging modes on the signals of the 3 and 4 reference stations, on the basis of which the authors made the conclusion that it is necessary to increase the number of reference stations and optimizate their choice. The developed methods can be used in the systems of remote objects coordinates determination in transportation, as well as in exploration and extraction of mineral resources.


Coordinates determination, modes, error, simulation, ranging, difference-ranging, azimuth, radio navigation, direction finding

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IDR: 148177091

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