Research of the reflection of a flat electromagnetic wave from a planar optical active structure

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The paper considers the possibilities of capturing optical energy by planar optically active media (crystal). When an infrared optical wave is incident on an optically active medium with the property of chirality, it is possible to transform radially incident radiation into azimuthal scattering along a planar structure. The problem of an oblique incidence of an electromagnetic wave on an optically active crystal is considered. It is shown that tensor material equations for optically active crystal can be reduced to material equations of scalar type with the insertion of the relative parameter optical activity of a crystal. The problem of the incidence of an electromagnetic wave on an optically active crystal was solved by the method of partial regions. At the frst stage, the electromagnetic feld in an optically active media and in its surrounding areas was determined. At the second stage, after applying the boundary conditions, an inhomogeneous system of linear algebraic equations was obtained about unknown refection and passage coefcients. In this work, two types of the structure were considered: the optically active crystal, located on a dielectric substrate and the optically active crystal, located on an ideally conducting substrate. The dispersion of the refractive index and the parameter of the optical activity of the optically active crystal were taken into account. Minimizing the modules of refection and passage coefcients by selecting the geometric dimensions of the optically active crystal was the main purpose. As a result, the parameters of the crystal were selected, in which the efect of azimuthal scattering of incident emitting is predominant over classic Fresnel scattering. In this case, the researching optical structures based on optically active crystal can perform the function of capturing the optical emitting of the infrared range by concentrating a part of the light energy inside the optically active crystal.


Optically active crystal, chiral media, chirality, electromagnetic wave, refection coefcient, passage coefcient

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140255714   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2019.17.2.04

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