Study on rheological properties of pure zinc under uniaxial compression

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The article presents the results of a study of the deformation behavior of pure zinc (99.975 %) under uniaxial compression. On the Hydrawedge module of the Gleeble-3800 physical simulator, the effect of strain rate 0.1; 1; 10 and 100 s-1 and sample heating temperatures of 24, 120 and 220 °C was studied. An increase in the compression rate during cold deformation leads to deformation heating of the samples. At a strain rate of 1 s-1, the sample temperature reaches 65 °C, and at 10 s-1 - 95 °C. A deformation rate of100 s-1 causes instantaneous heating of the sample to 75 °C and a subsequent gradual increase in temperature to 95 °C. An increase in temperature and the accumulation of defects in the crystal structure caused by deformation lead to the development of processes not only of dynamic recovery but also of dynamic recrys-tallization. Based on the results of the experiments, the dependences “true strain (ε) - true stress (σ)” wereobtained. The obtained results are in full agreement with the generally accepted ideas that the combined effect of temperature and strain rate on the deformation behavior of metallic materials is described by the Zener-Hollomon parameter. Further study of the microstructure of the samples and determination of the parameters of dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization will allow us to obtain a mathematical model for predicting the deformation behavior at different rates and temperatures of deformation. The dependencies obtained in this study can be integrated into such programs as QForm, ABAQUS, Deform 3D and others designed to simulate metal forming processes based on the finite element method. This will allow us to significantly bring the results of computer modeling of plastic deformation of zinc closer to real metal forming processes.


Zinc, gleeble 3800, dynamic recrystallization, strengthening, uniaxial compression, deformation behavior, strain rate

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147246025   |   DOI: 10.14529/met240404

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