Investigation of the structure of layered copper-molybdenum samples produced by explosion welding and construction of a 3D model of fractal elements of a new structure

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The layered copper-molybdenum composite has high hardness and high chemical resistance, obtained by explosion welding. The use of this technology for obtaining a composite is associated with a low mutual solubility of copper and molybdenum. In explosion welding, the formation of a joint occurs due to short-term melting and very rapid solidification at the contact surface. Explosive welding reduces the activation barrier of a chemical reaction and makes it possible to obtain intermetallic compounds from two non-interacting components at a rate close to the rate of chemical bond switching. Products of mechanochemical reactions are formed in the contact zone of dissimilar metals. The products of mechanochemical reactions were detected by X-ray diffraction and microanalysis. High rates of physicochemical transformations are initiated by nonlinear waves of localized plastic deformation. Waves of plastic deformation were revealed after etching of a thin section of a cross section of a multilayer sample and a study of the microstructure. An estimate of the energy flux to the sample during explosion welding was made, and an analysis was made of the structural features of the copper and molybdenum bonding zones. The fractal dimension of the interface between copper and molybdenum is determined. A cluster model of the medium order structure (mesostructure) of the zones of copper and molybdenum bonding is constructed.


Plastic deformation waves, explosion welding, copper, molybdenum, mechanochemistry, intermetallic compounds, composite, microhardness, fractal dimension, 3d cluster model

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146282536   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0459

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