Study of the traction resistance of the combined coulter for different depth fertilizer application and seeding

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The article is devoted to the study of traction resistance combined opener for tiered application of mineral fertilizers and sowing seeds of grain crops. Production of cereals in our country is the basis of not only the crop, but also of all agricultural production. The transition to resource-sowing technology is one of the key elements to ensure high performance, reduced prime cost and increase crop yields. Existing designs of sowing machines do not always satisfy the requirements of agro-technical, are more methane and energy, which increases the cost of crop production. It follows from the foregoing that the reduction of traction resistance of the working bodies of sowing machines is an urgent task. The studies analyzed the interaction combined with the soil opener and set the main stages: cutting the soil, its shear gap formation of the monolith and its recovery. To identify factors influencing the tractive resistance combined opener, identified and analyzed the forces acting on the coulter from soils under different conditions and working conditions...


Combined opener, sowing, soil, strength, traction resistance

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IDR: 142216204

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