Investigation of trophic pattern fish part of community the Kama-reservoir

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The trophic connections in a fish part of community the Kama-reservoir after his formation are investigated. The changes in nature of a feed of predatory fishes are parsed. Is detected, that the acceleration of a rate of growth a pike was stipulated by a decrease of its number in a pool and increase of a role of the perch in a feed, and the occurrence kilkas and bleak in a ration sander and bщbot promoted increase of their number and growth of a field. Is marked, that at considerable bridging of spectra of a feed of kinds their rule in an alimentary network can vary depending on dynamics of other members of community. Compared with period 60-70 of years, when in conununity the path of transformation of energy dominated: "a benthos - bentos fishes - predatory fishes ", role of other path now has increased: "a plankton - plankton fishes - predatory fishes ". The obtained data testify that the changes of aircraft attitude of community are directed on gradual increase of plankton of a path of formation of commodity of a fish part of community.


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IDR: 147204361

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