Stability of motion of mobile module of experimental setup in the study of active rotary working of machines for soil treatment

Автор: Kupryashkin Vladimir F., Naumkin Nikolay I., Kupryashkin Vladimir V.

Журнал: Инженерные технологии и системы @vestnik-mrsu

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2016 года.

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Introduction. The paper is devoted to the theoretical study of stability of movement of the movable unit of the experimental setup intended for the exploration of the active rotational working organs of the car for soil treatment. This takes into account the design features of the mobile unit and features active rotary force interaction of working bodies with the soil. From the analysis of previously conducted both theoretical and experimental studies of this type of working bodies noted the possibility of breaking the stability of the mobile stroke unit, which in turn will have a negative impact on the enforcement of a given method of the experiment program. From the analysis of previous studies shows that the assumptions under which they were made, not allow you to fully take into account the nature of the effect occurring dynamic processes of interaction of active rotary working bodies with the soil on the experimental setup truck driving stability. Materials and Methods. To address the shortcomings in the research, based on a synthesis of the main provisions and laws of mechanics and the experimental data of active rotary force interaction of working bodies with the soil, carried out theoretical studies of stability of movement of the movable unit of the experimental setup in view of its design features and conditions of the experiment. Results. A theoretical study was composed of loading trolley design scheme of the experimental setup with regard to its design features and power factors acting on its working elements, namely, the wheel bearing and studied active rotary working bodies. Processing results of the study allowed the weary twist zone of stable and unstable movement of the movable unit Expo tal installation. The presence of unstable movement zone carts at-leads to a breach of the conditions set by the plan of experimental-governmental research and a negative impact on their quality and purity. Discussion and Conclusions. All of this suggests that to ensure the sustainability of the rolling motion-module of the experimental setup is required the relevant design solutions.


Machines for tillage, roadholding, active rotary working tool, experimental setup the mobile module, soil hardness

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14720212   |   DOI: 10.15507/0236-2910.026.201602.246-258

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