Investigation of the effect of meltwater on the design spatial position of the pipeline during operation

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Today, due to the fact that most pipelines have a long service life and various kinds of deformations, the issue of reliability of pipeline transport is extremely relevant and requires its comprehensive consideration. It is worth noting that the deformation of the spatial position, in most cases, occurs under the influence of meltwater, since most highways run precisely in the ground. This article will consider the study of the influence of meltwater on the design spatial position of the pipeline during operation, as well as pay attention to the temperature stabilization method - the thermostabilizer (Hereinafter referred to as TSG).


Pipeline, heat stabilizer, soil, water, melting, heaviness, temperature

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205087   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-1-254-257

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