Studies in world history at the faculty of humanities NSU. Part 3

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The paper brings the first results of the research of the Department of General History of the Faculty of Humanities of the Novosibirsk national research university for a period of fifty years (1962–2012). The focus of research faculty members dedicated to the history and culture of Europe from Antiquity to the present. We can talk about the preservation of the developed earlier trends of scientific and pedagogical activity. Continues the tradition of the study of urgent and important problems. Members of the Department take active part in scientific events in the country and abroad, a number of their monographs has become a significant phenomenon in the scientific life of our country. Results of scientific researches is reflected in textbooks and content of the courses.


Department of general history, general history, europe, antiquity, middle ages, contemporary history, culture, religion, modern times

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IDR: 147218981

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