Sources for the study of demography indigenous people of Siberia and Far East in the second half of XIX - second decade of XX century: local and all-Russian census (materials for education course)

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In this paper we characterized part of the complex statistical sources - local and All-Russian census, which can be used in the study of demography of the Siberia and the Far East indigenous population in the period after the cessation of the practice of auditing in the Russian Empire (in the second half of XIX - the second decade of the XX century). These materials can be used in the lecture course «The Historical Demography of Siberia», readable at the Novosibirsk State University, and also used in the learning process in other universities.

Russian empire, siberia, far east, native population, demography, number, account, local census, the all-russian census, the analysis of census materials, education course

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IDR: 14737836

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