Historical aspects of protection thefts at trade objects in 1960s and 1980s. (based on the materials of the department of internal affairs of the Irkutsk Regional Executive Committee)

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Introduction: the article deals with the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Irkutsk Oblast Executive Committee (hereinafter - the Department of Internal Affairs of the IO) in terms of prevention, detection and investigation of thefts of inventories (hereinafter - inventory) committed at trade facilities of various forms of ownership in 1960-1980. The peculiarities of functioning of the Soviet organizations and enterprises engaged in trade, as well as the peculiarities of the organization of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs activities aimed at combating crime in this area, the organization and control of this activity, the methodology of certain operational and investigative measures aimed at solving the crimes in question are studied. Analyzes the various ways of theft at the objects of trade, and also considers the categories of persons involved in them, in the period in question. The normative legal acts of the Soviet state, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs of the IO, aimed at improving the counteraction to crime in the region under study in the field under consideration, are studied.


Crime, embezzlement, theft, state and public property, trade, inventory, police, criminal investigation, ministry of internal affairs, ussr, irkutsk region

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182510

IDR: 143182510   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.84.61.002

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