The historical conditions of development of the mining industry in the Urals in the XVIII century

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This article is devoted to defining the historical conditions for the development of the mining industry in the Urals in the 18 century. The author dwells on the problem with land of mountain plants. The formation of the mining industry in the Urals had many challenges. One of the essential task was to ensure the mining plants to the ground. Describing the problem, the author assesses the actions of the local population and the Imperial government. Construction of mining factories, fortresses and colonization of this territory migrant population was accompanied by the seizure of Bashkir large part of their lands and increase of various duties. Therefore, Bashkirs strongly opposed the intensification of the policy of the government in the province. The article discusses the issue of ensuring the plants artisans and working people. The government assisted entrepreneurs in providing them with qualified personnel, craftsmen. On the construction and start up in action factories of the southern Urals artisans were sent to people from the old factories of the Middle Urals for a permanent job or temporary - to train local craftsmen. The main supplier of qualified personnel for the South Ural factories were Ekaterinburg state-owned factories. The author concludes that since the first quarter of the 18 century the mining segment of the Ural industry is becoming a leading and strategically important for the whole Russian Empire, modernization processes in metallurgy and related industries acquire primary importance in the economic modernization of the Urals.


Industrial colonization, the treasury and civil plants, metallurgy, industrial transport, patronizing policy of the state, mining

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IDR: 14951774   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2017-9-4/1-92-96

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