The historical aspect of the evolution of morality and ethics as the content of the norms of penal law

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Certainly, morality and ethics since their origin play the role of the basic values of human communication and interaction. These values act as the main moral components in penal relations. It is common knowledge that moral values are formed in the process of mutual communication of people and are a reflection of socio-economic, cultural-historical, individually-collective, spiritual, moral and other values of society. They need voluntary universal recognition, because they are formed on the basis of public opinion, are asserted by the force of mass habits and decrees, educate in the individual inner kindness, develop beliefs and motives, set ethical boundaries of human behavior in his relationships with other people. Penal relations as well as other spheres of human communication are improved and strengthened in the process of state law development of society. Moral component of penal relationships is designed to have a positive impact on the formation and development of legal consciousness and legal culture of convicts, their behavior, self-esteem, beliefs, motives, etc.


Morality, ethics, convict, subculture, pseudo-morality, penal law, spiritually-moral, moral

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IDR: 142232833

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