Historical local studies in faces (on the example of one of the family branches of the Barannikovs' family)

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The historical and ancestral memory of the descendants about their ancestors is the key to the prosperity and development of family branches. Protasova Larisa Innokentyevna is the successor of the Barannikovs' family, well-known in Buryatia. The author of the article reveals some facts of the life paths of her grandfather Vasily Nikolaevich Barannikov, her father Innokentiy Vasilyevich Barannikov, her brother Velikton Innokentyevich Barannikov, and her mother Yelena Glebovna Protasova. The events of the creative and pedagogical path of the author are also mentioned. The described achievements and fateful facts in the lives of the representatives of this genus have found their reflection in various spheres of the historical local studies events of the past century.


Barannikov, revolution, soviet power, great patriotic war, professor, science doctor, olympics, boxer, ballet, education

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170202357

IDR: 170202357   |   DOI: 10.31443/2541-8874-2024-1-29-20-31

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