Archeological research of funeral monuments of Xiongnu in Mongolia

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The article discusses the history of the Xiongnu monuments investigation in Mongolia, which can be conveniently divided into several stages. The first stage of initial excavations falls on the 2030’s of the XX c. The next stage begins in 50’s and lasts till the late 80’s. During this time the first international expeditions take place. In 1961 begins to work a Mongolian-Hungarian expedition and in 1970 a Mongolian-Soviet historical-cultural expedition with members of the Institute of History of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences. During the third stage there is a rapid growth of international expeditions. A Mongolian-French, Mongolian-American, Mongolian-Korean and Mongolian-Belgian expeditions work from the mid-90’s till the early 2000’s. From2006 there work mostlyexpeditionsofMongolianUniversities,AcademicCentres,theInstitute of history and archeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Museums and several Mongolian-Russian international expeditions. On the whole, within the territory of the Western, Central, Northern and Eastern parts Mongolia about 70 burial complexes were found. About 5000 tumuli and burials were excavated. 400 of them appeared to be burials of a common people, while 22 of tumulus burials belong to the princes’ household.


Xiongnu, burials graves, mongolia, archaeolo gical research

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147151130   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh160404

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