History of the development of legislation on administrative liability for offenses on the securities market

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The historical development of legislation on administrative liability in the securities market in Russia is explored. Starting from the emergence of the market in the Middle Ages and the first state securities to the present day, key historical stages of development are analyzed: from the era of Peter the Great, through the Soviet period, to post-Soviet reforms and modern legislative changes. The article focuses on how historical, economic, and social changes influenced the formation of legislative frameworks, emphasizing the importance of adapting laws to protect the rights of participants and investors in a changing market environment.


Russia, history, stock market, securities, violations, liability, october revolution, russian empire

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204870

IDR: 170204870   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-2-15-20

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