Historical and legal analysis of the development of legislation in the field of registration and migration accounting (the beginning of the XIII-XIX centuries)

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Introduction: the article examines the historical development of legislation in the field of registration and migration accounting. Materials and methods: the main method that allowed us to consider the development of legislation in the field of registration and migration accounting were historical-legal, comparative-historical research methods. In addition, general scientific methods were used: (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, system, logical, etc.) The results of the study: the paper analyzes the legislative regulation of registration and migration registration in Russia, identifies the main directions of development of legal regulation of registration and migration legislation (the beginning of the XIII-XIX centuries.) Findings and Conclusions: A historical analysis of the development of domestic registration and migration legislation has shown that the institute of registration of Russian citizens, foreign citizens and stateless persons at the place of stay and place of residence was formed in several stages. Historically, in Russia, certain rules and requirements in the field of registration and migration registration were established at all selected stages, for violation of which various types of liability were provided. This is a certain feature of the historical development of the institution of responsibility for violations of the registration and migration legislation. The first stage of the formation of legislation in the field of registration and migration registration covers the period from the end of the XIII to the XVII century. During this period, for the first time, the legal status of a foreign citizen was regulated, legal control was established over the entry into the territory of the state and departure from its borders of both subjects of the empire and foreign citizens. At the second stage of development (the beginning of the XVIII - 1917), norms regulating the order of movement of the population in the Russian Empire without appropriate documents appeared, passport control was established, residence tickets for foreign citizens with fixed residence periods were introduced, responsibility for violations by the host party of the rules of residence and for registration on expired documents of both Russian subjects and foreigners appeared, as well as the responsibility of officials for easing control over persons living without documents.


Russian citizens, foreigners, movement, travel certificates, population, entry, exit, passport

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143178204

IDR: 143178204   |   DOI: 10.24412/2312-3184-2021-4-259-266

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