Final results of research on varieties and evaluation of varieties of collection of Iris hybrida hort. grown in botanical garden of Crimean federal university named after V.L. Vernadsky

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To determine the decorative and agronomic qualities of the varieties of Iris hybrida hod. to identify promising assodment we have modified the scale of Contoocook methods for comparative sodaient ornamental plants V.N. Bulova (1971, 1978), techniques of headhospital on sod assessment of irises (1968) and developed a new scale santoianni with regard to cedain varieties of the garden group. In our proposed scale for evaluating ornamental qualities added 5 traits that are impodant for use in floral design shod, medium and tall varieties of Ins hybrida hort.: “density perianth segments, strength of stems, height of stems", "flower color resistance to fading", "duration of flowering". In the evaluation of economically valuable traits are added to the basis of comparative vulnerability to pests. When evaluating varieties of 3 garden groups depending on their use in landscaping the most impodant traits were: flower, the perianth segments density, strength and peduncle height (for tall varieties), presence of aroma (medium varieties), and resistance to fading flowers (for dwarf varieties). 17 identified high grades of the studied range, which are characterized by a complex of valuable characteristics: bright color, original form of the flowers, profuse and long flowering, high rate of vegetative reproduction and relatively low vulnerability to diseases and pests. These are 6 varieties from the group of low-growing irises: Demon, Indian Pow Wow, Kiwi Slices, Pumpin' Iron, Ritz, Chanted, 1 variety from group medium - Fmit Cocktail and 10 varieties from the group of tall Bearded irises: Classic Look, Fort Apache, Heritage Lace, Morning Hymn, Rippling Waters, Rolling Thunder, Royal Cmsader, Supreme Sultan, Late, Temple Gold, of which shaped and tested for a assortment of various kinds of landscaping in this region.


Iris hybrida hort, plant introduction, research on varieties, integral assessment

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IDR: 14084079

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