From history of the committee for the liberation of the Russian peoples’ activity in Norway (1944-1945)

Автор: Aleksandrov Kirill

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: Сообщения

Статья в выпуске: 27, 2011 года.

Бесплатный доступ

This article analyses unknown pages of history of the Committee for the Liberation of the Russian Peoples’ activity in Norway on the basis of unique archival documents from the Russian, German, and US archives. It focuses on the work of Colonel G. Zverev and other officers of the Vlasov Army in 1944–1945 regarding the recruitment of Soviet prisoners of war from Norwegian camps for the Armed Forces of the Committee (Vlasov Army). It is concluded that three fourth of the Soviet prisoners of war in Norway either remained indifferent to the appeals of Vlasov’s representatives, or treated them with hostility. Those who did agree to join the Vlasov Army, the German Command was already unable to use on the front lines.


World war ii, norway, soviet prisoners of war, committee for the liberation of the russian peoples, a. vlasov, g. zverev, recruitment, concentration camp

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IDR: 14913571

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