History of the historical - household dance

Автор: Zakirova S.M.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 5 (14), 2018 года.

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This article examines the problems of studying the history of the emergence and development of historical dance. It argues that there is insufficient study of periodization and classification of historical dance of everyday life by arts critics. The article touches upon the problem of restoring the everyday dances of the past centuries. We think the article will be valuable for teachers, ballet masters, choreographers, directors of the theatres

Stage, greeting, choreographer, folk dance, professional theater, minuet, waltz, polonaise, mazurka, terms, aristocratic society, historical and everyday dance, bow, gavotte, polka

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140263549

IDR: 140263549

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