From the history of study of the Soviet state apparatus in the 1920s. (Book review: Bulyulina E. V. Local state institutions of Soviet Russia, 1917-1929 (on the materials of the Lower Volga region). Volgograd, 2011. - 390 p.)

Автор: Arkhipova Tatyana

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: У книжной полки

Статья в выпуске: 35, 2013 года.

Бесплатный доступ

The article analyses the monograph “Local state institutions of Soviet Russia, 1917–1929 (On the materials of the Lower Volga region)» (Volgograd, 2011) by E.V. Bulyulina in the context of the Russian historiography of the Soviet state apparatus of the 1920s. It is noted that the monograph is based on previously unknown documents from Federal and regional archives. It is shown that the author of the monograph has conducted a detailed analysis of the most complicated problems of construction and activity of local government institutions in three provinces of the Lower Volga region in the 1920s. The conclusion is made that the monograph is written at a high scientific level and makes a significant contribution to the study of Russian statehood.


Historiography, russian statehood, soviet Russia, soviet power, state apparatus, local government institutions, astrakhan province, saratov province, tsaritsyn province, lower volga region, e.v. bulyulina

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ID: 14913655
