From the history of conflict on the Chinese Eastern railway: Chinese concentration camp for the soviet citizens

Автор: Krotova Mariya

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: Статьи

Статья в выпуске: 35, 2013 года.

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This article, based on unknown archival documents, looks at the history of concentration camp near Harbin (Manchuria) for the Soviet citizens who were arrested during the Soviet-Chinese conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) in 1929. The main focus is on the content and number of prisoners and conditions of their detention. Also the article tells about the role of the concentration camp in diplomatic confrontation between the governments of the USSR and China. It concludes that the existence of this concentration camp was used by the USSR for pressure on the Chinese government of Guomindang in its fight for the restoration of its part of sovereignty over the Chinese Eastern Railway. However, the real conditions of Soviet prisoners were not so hard as it was presented by Soviet authorities and Soviet propaganda.


Soviet-chinese conflict 1929, chinese eastern railway (cer), manchuria, harbin, concentration camp, prisoners, soviet citizens, russian emigration, chinese government of guomindang, propaganda

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IDR: 14913657

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