The change of agrochemical soil features and its biological activity when using wastes of sugar production in spring wheat

Автор: Gurin A.G., Gneusheva V.V.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 1 (70), 2018 года.

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Unfortunately, the contamination of agricultural products with toxins of various origins continues to grow. The solution is to reduce the environmental pollution, creating waste-free technology. With regard to agriculture the problem can be solved by using waste as the secondary material resource. The main objective of the study is to develop the optimum dose of making beet pulp and defecate for the spring wheat crops. The studies to determine chemical properties and its biological activity depending on the dose of application of wastes of the sugar industry were conducted under the conditions of the gray forest soil. The following doses of introduction of the beet pulp and defecate were studied: pulp, 50 t/g; pulp 100 t/ha; sugar beet pulp 150 t/ha; sugar beet pulp 200 t/ha; sugar beet pulp 150 t/ha + defecation 5 t/ha; sugar beet pulp 150 t/ha + defecation 10 t/ha; sugar beet pulp 150 t/ha + defecation 15 t/ha. The introduction of sugar beet pulp in doses exceeding 100 t/ha without making defecate leads to a significant acidification of the soil - 4.94-4.40. Despite the increase of the content in these variants, mobile phosphorus and exchange potassium decrease the biological activity of soil and productivity of spring wheat. Joint application of sugar beet pulp in the dose of 150 t/ha and defecate 10 t/ha optimize soil conditions for spring wheat cultivation and increase the yield by 14.6 t/ha. On the basis of the material presented in the article, it is possible to use such a cheap and promising secondary raw material resource of beet sugar production, both beet pulp and defecate, as organic fertilizer.


Gray forest soils, the byproduct organic fertilizer, waste sugar production, sugar beet pulp, defecate, soil fertility, agrochemical parameters, soil acidity, spring wheat, yield

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IDR: 147124496   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.1.3

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