Change of physico-chemical properties of ordinary medium-solonized сhernozem under the influence of fertilizing-reclaiming mixtures

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The article presents the influence of fertilizing-reclaiming mixtures (FRMs) on the physico-chemical properties of ordinary chernozem, degraded by brackish irrigation with sulfate-sodium composition water. Ferti- lizing- reclaiming mixtures prepared from poultry litter, chopped straw - local agricultural waste and terri- genous rock, electrolyte etching of steel - local industrial waste. For comparison, in addition to the control vari- ant taken with a compost of poultry manure and phosphogypsum imported from another region. Five-year study showed that FRMs prepared on the basis of bird droppings, terrigenous rock, electrolyte etching of steel and straw, for their effects on physico-chemical properties of sodic soils almost as good as the compost that is creat- ed on the basis of bird droppings and brought phosphogypsum. The difference is that FRMs are a slow improver of action and their activity is more evident not in 1 year, but in 3 years. By the 5th year of studies of the recovery of the negative properties of soil upon irrigation with water of unfavorable composition are not yet evident on any version, except the check. The yield of crops has increased with the improvement of physico-chemical prop- erties of soils. In the first year after the reclamation, the highest yield was obtained in variant with compost. By the 3rd and 4th years of research the yield of crops on variants from the FRMs were within the minimum signifi- cant difference (MSD). Mineral fertilizer in all years of studies had a positive effect on the physico-chemical properties of ordinary chernozems in the range of 9-10 %, and the yield from their use has increased by 15-20 %.


Degradation, soil, irrigation, fertilizing-reclaiming mixtures, compost, alkalinity, density of the composition

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142199211

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