The change in the humus status of gray forest soil under the influence of fertilizers

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In the study a new type of biohumus received in the Department of soil science and agricultural chemistry from wastes of woodworking industry (sawdust) and agriculture (birds’ dung), revised method of vermiculture. The humus content of agrogrey soil under the influence of biohumus and azofoska has not been studied before. Therefore the research objective was to assess the action of different doses of biohumus and azofoska, and their mixtures on the content of humus and mobile substances. The approbation of fertilizers was car-ried out in the vegetative experiment field at the department of Krasnoyarsk SAU on agrogrey soil which was characterized by low indices of effective fertility. The application of organic and organic and mineral fertilizers promoted the accumulation of soil humus and mobile humus substances. The intro-duction of 3 and 6 t/hectare of biohumus led to the increase of humus content 1.6-1.9 times in the cul-tivation of corn and 1.2-1.4 times when cultivating wheat, due to the amount of incoming organic mat-ter. Biohumus applied to the soils in the amount of 3 t/hectare contributed to the accumulation of hu-mus and amounted to 74 t/hectare. In another ferti-lized variants the value was below. Making biohumus on the background of azofoska, led to the reduction in the reserves of humus in the soil. The use of vermicompost contributed to significant increase in the yield of field crops. The obtained results showed strong correlation of corn yield from Chumus, Cpodv, СNaOH, СН2О. The correlation coeffi-cients amounted respectively to 0.82; 0.81; 0.81; of 0.71. The aftereffect noted the average correlation between yield per unit and the indices of humus state of the agrogrey soil.


Humus, agrogrey soil, mobile humus substances, biohumus, azofoska

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IDR: 140224278

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