Changes in size and quality of the crop of awnless brome in the phases of development

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When mowing awnless brome at the time of seed formation, the highest yield can be obtained, but the quality of the crop deteriorates because it contains less protein and other substances that determine nutritional value. The shortage of protein is especially large at this time - more than one third of the amount available in flowering phase. Previously, no yield data were given in the early phasesof growing season. In Buryatia awnless brome surpasses all fodder cereal grasses. If you compare slender wheatgrass, awnless brome exceeds the yield by 2.9 times, Siberian wheatgrass - 2.3, and fairway crested grass by 5.6 times. Our data on nutrient content is generally consistent with the data of G.G. Kulikov (1989), according to the samples selected in Kabansky district of Buryatia. In terms of protein content, awnless brome is not inferior to couch grass and significantly exceeds the average values driven to awnless brome hay in the former USSR. High content of valuable nutrients is in tillering phase and exit into the tube...


Awnless brome, stages of development, yield formula, chemical composition, ash, protein, fat, fiber, calcium, phosphorus

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