The top soil layer changing depending on the type of its treatment

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The article presents materials characterizing the change in humidity, density and hardness of the topsoil depending on the season. Particular attention is paid to the autumn tillage with the use of mixed cultivators. The dynamics of changes in humidity in the meter layer of soil is shown, depending on the depth of autumn processing. Graphs and dependencies of changes in moisture reserves in the soil, depending on the method of its processing are presented. It has been established that the humidity of the upper layer of leached medium loamy chernozem does not affect their density and hardness. The density and hardness of the soil change as the depth of processing. The mixed autumn processing allows to increase moisture reserves in a meter layer of soil, thus density of the soil on the field processed since autumn by a disk harrow is a little higher, than on a trace of a cable of a cultivator or a rack with a chisel.


Soil, cultivator, processing, moisture, density, hardness

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IDR: 142228479

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