Study of association of single nucleotide polymorhisms in genes of antioxidant defence enzymes with risk of developing prostate cancer in Siberia

Автор: Oskina N.A., Ermolenko N.A., Boyarskikh U.A., Lazarev A.F., Petrova V.D., Ganov D.I., Kunin I.S., Tonacheva O.G., Lifshits G.I., Filipenko M.L.

Журнал: Сибирский онкологический журнал @siboncoj

Рубрика: Лабораторные и экспериментальные исследования

Статья в выпуске: 3 (57), 2013 года.

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The influence of polymorphic substitutions in antioxidant system genes (SNPsrs1050450 in the GPX1 gene, rs1695 and rs1138272 in the GSTP1gene and rs4880 in the MnSOD gene) on the risk of prostate cancer development in men living in the Siberian region of Russia was studied. The relationship between the studied genotypes and clinical parameters (disease stage and PSA level) was analyzed. For this purpose, the incidence of the studied allelic variants was compared between 399 with prostate cancer patients and 344 men with no history of prostate cancer. Genotyping was performed using real-time PCR. No statistically significant association with the risk of developing prostate cancer was found in the studied SNPs (p>0,05). For the GSTP1SNPrs1695, the correlation with disease stage was obtained: The GG genotype occurred more frequently in patients with stage III-IV prostate cancer (OR [C.I.]=2,66 [1,15–6,18], p=0,02). Both studied SNPs of the GSTP1 gene were associated with the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in blood: the GG rs1695 genotype and TT rs1138272 genotype were associated with higher PSA levels (p=1,5×10-3).


Одиночные полиморфизмы нуклеотидов (snps), mnsod, gpx1, gstp1, prostate cancer, single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps)

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IDR: 14056330

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