The study of variability and inheritance of length of upper internode of soft spring wheat under conditions of the forest-steppe of Priobje

Автор: Kapko Tatyana Nikolaevna, Piskarjev Vyacheslav Vasilevich, Boyko Natalya Ivanovna, Timopheev Anatoliy Andreevich

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (20), 2015 года.

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Not enough attention is paid to the study of the length of the upper internode, but this trait in varying degrees, affects the height of plants, yield, resistance to drought and lodging. The purpose of the research is to study the variability and inheritance of the length of the upper internode of soft spring wheat in topkros crosses under conditions of the forest-steppe of Priobje. The experiment was conducted in 2011-2013 on the experimental field of the Laboratory of Genetics of SibRIPP&B. 8 varieties and 15 their topkross hybrids F 1 and F 2 were used as the material for the study. The mathematical treatment of the sign intensity was carried out using basic statistical methods. The length of the upper internodes of the studied samples varied within wide limits, depending not only on the genotype, but on the conditions of growth too. In parental forms the sign value varied from 22.9 cm in variety Polyushko (2012) to 42.8 cm in variety Belle (2013). In hybrids F 1 - from 24.2 cm (Pamyati Vavenkova x Tulaykovskaya 10, 2012) to 45.1 cm (Belle x Kantegirskaya 89, 2013), and in F 2 - from 26.1 cm (Pamyati Vavenkova x Tulaykovskaya 10, 2012) to 43.0 cm (Belle x Kantegirskaya 89, 2013). It was established that the differing growing conditions over the years accounted the largest share (57.4%) of the total phenotypical variation of the trait. The character inheritance of the sign at hybrids varied quite widely - from depression to overdominance, and, depending on the year of studying, two extreme variants of the degree of dominance were marked in six hybrids. This shows its high exposure to the influence of environmental conditions.


Soft spring wheat, the length of the upper internode, variability, character of inheritance, coefficient of variation, transgression

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142199095

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