Studying the efficiency of the modes of aerosol disinfection of cattle-breeding premises in the presence of animals

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The research objective was the development of the way of preventive disinfection in livestock premises in the presence of animals and studying the efficiency of the modes of its application. The tasks were to make a compounding of working solution allowing to carry out disinfection with high efficiency and visually to control the process, to pick up the concentration of working solution and to study the efficiency of its application in livestock premises. The researches were conducted in a breeding reproduction center of dairy direction of JSC ‘Zapsibkhleb-Iset’ of the village of Krasnovo, Isetsky area of Tyumen Region where the cattle of Holstein breed during the period from 2016 to 2019 was kept. The preparation arbicide and glycerin was a part of disinfecting solution (for creation of effect of fog and control of disinfection). When developing the way of disinfection in the presence of animals and for clarification of its efficiency three concentration of working solution were picked upfor the main component (arbicide) - 0...


Disinfection, aerosols, cattle, arbicide, glycerin

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IDR: 140245700

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