Study of cultural variation in archaeology

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The article discusses the main provisions of evolutionary archeology (the direction that emerged in the late twentieth century) on the key issue of archeology - the nature, mechanisms, and cultural factors of variability. To give an idea of the relation between cultural and biological evolution. Culture is understood as a population phenomenon, which is generated through the actions of people and takes the form of an archaeological through continuous, socially conditioned repetition of such acts from generation to generation. From the standpoint of evolutionary archeology examines the cultural and historical situation in the forest-steppe of Ob and Irtysh rivers. Review of cultural change leads to the conclusion that there is a change recorded by archaeological cultures are not always associated with the change of the population.


Evolutionary archaeology, cultural transmission, cultural selection, tradition, innovation, cultural change, cultural and genetic evolution and migration, ob-irtysh region, forest-steppe zone, cultural variation

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IDR: 14737786

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