Study of regularities of distribution of chemical elements in solid structures of human and experimental animals serum according to X-ray microanalysis

Автор: Supilnikov Alexei Alexandrovich, Shatohina Svetlana Nikolaevna, Nuzhdin Evgeniy Vladimirovich, Devyatkin Anatoliy Anatolevich, Biktagirova Ilvina Ramisovna, Shabalin Vladimir Nikolaevich, Drobyshev Sergey Viktorovich, Yuhimets Sergei Nikolaevich

Журнал: Вестник медицинского института "РЕАВИЗ": реабилитация, врач и здоровье @vestnik-reaviz

Рубрика: Клиническая медицина

Статья в выпуске: 4 (24), 2016 года.

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This article reflects the results of studies of correlations of various chemical elements distribution in the structures of the solid phase of human and small experimental animals serum in normal conditions and under typical pathological process - inflammation. The relevance of the study is that the inflammatory process is one of the most common pathological conditions, both in experimental and clinical medicine. The features of the distribution of chemical elements in samples dehydrated serum, and their interaction in the development of pathology were revealed.

Solid-state structure of blood serum, chemical elements, x-ray microanalysis, inflammation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14344248

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