Izvestiya of the Samara science centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. Mission of scientific and publishing ethics

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Subject matter - publishing ethics of open access to results of scientific research in modern science. Subject of the article - the journal " Izvestiya of the Samara scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences" as a system of publication of vital scientific research. Aim - preparation of the journal for placement in open access through work with authors. Work methodology - the analysis and synthesis of traditions in the course of preparation of articles of international level. Results of work contain an analytical review, revealed scientific and methodical tools, and directions of self-organization of scientific community around printing activity of the journal. Range of application of results is the working model of development of a modern scientific journal, which does not only appeal to Russian scientists, but is also directed at solving science problems in general, including the international level of integration of all scientific community (as exemplified by of WoS and SCOPUS). Conclusion. Preparation of the journal for its citing in the international database is accompanied by strengthening of the presentation of scientific texts, both in Cyrillic alphabet (kirillitsa), and in Latin characters. The data describing an article, specified by the author, are reflected in covering documents and are published in the journal, both in Cyrillic script, and in Latin: the heading, information about each author, his e-mail address, abstract of the article, keywords, bibliography. Certain publications, having all-methodological and educational character, and also of small size, will be fully presented in the journal by two versions of texts, both on Cyrillic, and in Latin scripts. NB! Scientific texts of Russian authors, progressing to the international level of presentation, necessarily have to have the official level of documentary coverage, which meets the international standards of publishing ethics.


ID: 148102409 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148102409

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