Iatrogenic crimes: features of their commission and investigation

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The article examines the key features of the commission and investigation of iatrogenic crimes in the modern world. Iatrogenic crimes, defined as criminal acts of medical workers committed in the course of their professional activities, are becoming increasingly important due to the complexity of medical technologies and an increase in the number of medical errors. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the causes and conditions contributing to the occurrence of such crimes, including insufficient qualifications of medical staff, violations of ethical standards, and insufficient attention to the rights of patients. Modern approaches to the investigation of these crimes, including the use of electronic medical records and legal regulation, are considered. The authors emphasize the need to improve the systems of training and advanced training of medical workers, as well as to strengthen control and responsibility for compliance with medical standards.


Iatrogenic crimes, medical errors, investigation, medical ethics, patient rights, electronic medical records, legal regulation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170205403

IDR: 170205403   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-1-9-14

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