Linguistic expression of studying-and-teaching actions in conversational speech of scholars

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Purpose: The article is devoted to studying of the linguistic expression of studying-and-teaching actions in the conversational speech of scholars of Novosibirsk Academgorodok on the material of four decoded audio recordings of colloquial speech of scholars during informal meetings with students that were held in the framework of the project Legends and Mythsof Academgorodok organized by the Chair of General and Russian Linguistics of the Department of Humanities of NSU. The topicality of the research is determined by the fact that the professional activity of the respondents for more than 40 years was connected with the sphere of University and school teaching. Our aim is to define the studying-and-teaching action as a type of the social action, to identify the characteristics of the official studying-and-teaching action and to compose the classification of studying-and-teaching actions in accordance with the propositional model of an action based on the correlation of the positions of social subjects in a particular situation of the action. Results: The studying-and-teaching action is defined as a complication of the studying action that is a type of social action. However, the studying action can also realize as non-social action, when the subject acquires some qualities independently. The elementary model of the studying-and-teaching action is implemented with the appearance of the teaching subject. In accordance with Fillmore’s idea, we distinguish two perspectives of the studying-and-teaching situations and, respectively, the two types of the studying-and-teaching situation: the perspective of the subject being taught (the studying action) and the perspective of the subject who teaches (the teaching action). This action becomes the official studying-and-teaching action in the following social conditions: the existence of some social institution, in the framework of that the action is performed, the time limit to achieve the teaching and studying purposes, a documentary confirmation of the acquirement of specific skills, the acquisition of a social status of the teacher and the student by the social subjects. There are the following semantic types of the studying-and-teaching actions in accordance with the propositional model of an action based on the correlation of the positions of social subjects in a particular situation of the action: the object action of a social change, the coagentive action with kinds of the leading action and the assisting action, the contragentive action and the action for addressee. A complication of the model of the studying-and-teaching action is the studying-and-teaching activity, where the subject being taught or the subject who teaches, respectively, is not relevant and the accent is on the process always. Conclusions: The official studying-and-teaching action is a type of the social action that is performed under special social conditions. The model of the considered kind of the action includes the two social subjects: the subject who teaches and the subject being taught. There are four types of the studying-and-teaching actions in accordance with the correlation of the roles of the interacting subjects. The studying-and-teaching activity is a complication of the model of the studying-and-teaching action.


Social action, teaching action, social semantics, studying action, studying-and-teaching activity, scholars, conversational speech

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IDR: 147219679

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