Efficiency of body weight correction at patients with polycystic ovaries syndrome and adiposity

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Carried out research has shown authentic decrease in body weight at 90% of patients with polycystic ovaries syndrome and adiposity as a result of treatment with Sibutramon, that testifies to decrease in this group a leading risk factor of cardiovascular complications. Average decrease in body weight for the period of treatment has made 13% from initial size. At the majority of patients decrease in body weight has reached clinically significant sizes. By the end of research of 50% of patients decrease in body weight more than 5% from initial size have reached. The body weight at 40% of patients has decreased on 10% and more from initial, and only at 10% - less than 5%.


Body weight, polycystic ovaries syndrome, adiposity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14899898

IDR: 14899898

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