The effectiveness of the reformation of soft-leaved plantations into coniferous-deciduous in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan
Статья: The effectiveness of the reformation of soft-leaved plantations into coniferous-deciduous in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan
Автор: Ilyin F., Doroshenkova E., Garipov N., Zakirov G., Chernov V.
Журнал: Лесохозяйственная информация @forestry-information
Рубрика: Лесоведение и лесоводство
Статья в выпуске: 4, 2023 года.
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The long-term experimental and production work on the transformation of soft-leaved plantations into coniferous on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan is analyzed and summarized. Surveys were carried out in 2023. In areas of sprus-fir-deciduous t plantations created in 1962-1990 by 2-4-receiving cuttings of reformation of soft-leaved plantations with the growth of spruce and fir, 8 plots with a total area of 24.6 hectares were surveyed, on which 16 test areas were laid. In the derived soft-leaved plantations, 3 control plots with a total area of 8.2 hectares were allocated without re-forming logging and 6 trial areas were laid. The analysis of the state of spruce-fir plantations formed by the felling of soft-leaved plantations into coniferous-deciduous ones convincingly proves their forestry, ecological and economic efficiency, as well as the expediency of further application in the appropriate forest growing conditions of Tatarstan.
Felling of the reformation of plantings, forest stands, spruce and fir, soft-leaved species, forestry efficiency
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 143180955 | DOI: 10.24419/LHI.2304-3083.2023.4.02