Efficacy of pyroxasulfone in soybean crops

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The purpose of research is to study the effect of the herbicide Karitori, WSG (850 g/kg), based on the new active ingredient pyroxasulfone, on the weed component in soybean crops in the conditions of the Russian Federation. Objectives: to evaluate the biological effectiveness of the herbicide Karitori, WSG, against a complex of weeds; to assess the safety of using the drug for soybean plants; to carry out crop harvest accounting. The experiments were carried out during two growing seasons, 2018 and 2019. In the Altai Region, experiments were carried out on soybean crops of the Altom variety, in the Astrakhan Region – on soybean crops of the Vilana variety, in the Krasnodar Region - on soybean crops of the Bara variety (in 2018) and Ar-leta variety (in 2019). Spraying the soil with herbicide was carried out before crop germination. The assess-ment of weediness was carried out using the quantitative-weight method in accordance with the “Guidelines for registration testing of herbicides in agriculture.” The greatest reduction in the overall infestation of soybean crops was noted in the Altai Region under conditions of severe infestation by common barnyard grass. Appli-cation 0.1; 0.2 and 0.3 kg/ha of the drug in this region provided an efficiency of 76.3; 88.7 and 92.3% respec-tively. The reduction in overall weed infestation in other regions was smaller - the use of 0.3 kg/ha of the drug provided an efficiency of 66.4–67.4%. In all regions, the effectiveness of the minimum application rate of the herbicide Karitori, WSG (0.1 kg/ha), exceeded the efficiency of 0.1 kg/ha of the standard Pledge, WP. The noted trend was supported by data on the mass of cereal weeds. The treatments had a positive effect on the amount of soybean yield obtained in the experiments. In all experiments conducted (except for the 2018 experiment in the Astrakhan region), the increase in crop yield due to reduced competition from weeds after the application of herbicides was significant. The most significant increases (from 8.2 to 10.1 c/ha) were ob-tained in 2019 in an experiment on soybean crops of the Arleta variety in the conditions of the KrasnodarRegion.


Soybean, weeds, herbicide, pyroxasulfone, effectiveness

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140304304

IDR: 140304304   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-1-41-46

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