Preparation HB-101 effectiveness for spring wheat non-root top dressing in Western Siberian meadow-chernozem soil

Автор: Natalia A. Voronkova, Natalia F. Balabanova, Victoria A. Volkova, Nadezhda A. Tsyganova

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 7, 2021 года.

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The aim of the study is to establish the effectiveness of non-root top dressing with the preparation HB-101 in the cultivation of spring soft wheat. Research objectives are to study the effect of the preparation HB-101 and mineral fertilizers on the formation of the assimilation surface and the photosynthetic potential (PP) of the crop; to assess the influence of the studied factors on the yield of spring wheat. The experiments were carried out in the southern forest-steppe zone of the Omsk Region of Western Siberia on a meadow-chernozem medium-thick medium-humus heavy loamy soil on two backgrounds of fertilization: without the use of mineral fertilizers (without fertilizers), with the use of mineral fertilizers (N21P90). The experiment is placed in a five-field grain-fallow crop rotation with the following crop rotation: pure fallow - wheat – soy – wheat – barley. The effect of NP with the preparation HB-101 in the tillering phase on the parameters of photosynthetic activity and productivity of spring wheat plants is shown. It was found that the effectiveness of this method is determined by the level of mineral nutrition. An increase in the area of the leaf apparatus of wheat plants against a mineral background was noted in the variant of using NP with the preparation HB-101: in the tubulation phase – by 12 %, in the earing phase – by 16 %. The maximum leaf area (47.2 thousand m2 / ha) in the earing phase was observed in wheat plants in the NP version on a fertilized background, which is twice as high as in the option without fertilizers. It was found that the highest PP in the experiment was 298.2 thousand m2 / ha / day during the tube emergence phase in spring wheat plants grown against a mineral background (N21P90) with NP preparation HB-101. The main application of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer in combination with non-root top dressing preparation HB-101 significantly increased the wheat yield by 0.42 t / ha of grain.


Spring wheat (Triticumaestivum), meadow-chernozem soil, non-root top dressing, growth regulators, photosynthetic potential, yield.

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254551   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-7-11-17

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