Effectiveness of seed disinfectant application on crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst.)

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The article presents the results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of disinfectants application at the cultivation of the crambe abyssinica ( Crambe abyssinica Hochst.) variety Polet - a new promising oilseed crop. It was found that treatment with Vitavax 200, WP (2 kg per t) in its pure form and in combination with a plant growth regulator Albit, RP (0.05 liter per t) effectively suppressed the seed infection of crambe ( Alternaria brassicae Berk., Alternaria brassicicola Wilts. and Fusarium sp. ). Biological effectiveness was 92.5 and 90.6%, respectively. The treatment with a full dose of Vitavax 200, WP combined with Albit, RP provided an increase in the length of the sprout with a root by 14.5% and its mass by 19.2%. The treatment with a mixture of a half dose of Vitavax 200, WP (1 kg per t) with Albit, RP contributed to an increase in these traits by 9.7 and 23.1%, respectively. In the field, the best results to reduce the prevalence of root rot were obtained under application of a full dose (2 kg per t) of Vitavax 200, WP (a decrease of 2.2 times) and a mixture of a half dose (1 kg per t) of Vitavax 200 combined with the growth regulator Albit, RP (1.9 times). Treatment with Albit and mixture of Albit and Vitavax 200 in full and a half doses provided a decrease in the occurrence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary by 7.0, 10.5 and 5.3%, respectively. The highest yield of seeds (2.39 t per ha vs. 1.99 t per ha in a control, an increase of 20.1%) was formed in the variant the Vitavax 200 (2 kg per t). Treatment with the plant growth regulator Albit and its mixture with the disinfectant Vitavax 200 provided an increase in the seed yield by an average 0.27 t per ha. Application of the plant growth regulator Albit, stimulating the growth processes of the crambe plants, provided an increase in the number of fruit per a plant (by 45.3%), the seeds weight per a plant (by 37.3%) and the weight of 1000 seeds (by 16.2%).


Crambe, disinfectants, root rots, biological effectiveness, yield, sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142214627

IDR: 142214627

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