Effective contract with a lecturer as an instrument upgrading university efficacy

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The article describes the experience of organizing university management from the position of upgrading efficacy of its activities by means of organizing labor relations system. Being a case study the article demonstrates managerial technologies used on the example of Vladivostok State University of Service and Tourism. The case is aimed at describing approaches to labor agreements in the form of "effective contracts" in order to exchange experience with other educational institutions. The article solves applied university management problems related to following legislative requirements on salary and interconnection between full-time staff salary and results of its work and university performance in general. Many problems were caused by Government Decree of November 26, 2012 № 2190-р and therefore it was decided to discuss them among broad set of authors, leading to preparing this article. Opinions from other universities concerning the problems described in this article would be extremely useful for research on this topic. Aims stated in the article were achieved by means of overview and analysis of legal acts and detailed description of development and signing "effective contracts»; description of improving the system of stimulating full-time staff and problems relayed to that on the example of one university. The process of creating and improving full-time personnel salary system to be included into labor agreements unveiled problems and discussion points related to flexibility of general approaches to the system of stimulation. Therefore this process needs further research. In authors'' opinion we need new vision of this challenge particularly when it comes to centralized salary funds and presence of reference norms in lecturers'' labor contracts. Practical recommendations formulated in the article are presented in the form of description of stages of transition to "effective contracts" with lecturers in terms of formulating and detailing the functions of employees. Practical outcomes of the article are also related to formulating and creating salary scheme on the basis of legislation and stimulation bonuses depending on efficacy of university and achievement of its strategic aims. The novelty of this article is in detailed description of formulating and introducing "effective contracts" with lecturers which is a rare experience at present. Despite a considerable number of publications on norms and legislative aspects of "effective contracts" there are no practical recommendations on improving salary system and connecting lecturers'' efficacy with university efficacy. That is the topic the authors of the article concentrated upon making it valuable for university executives.


University, labor efficacy, performance results evaluation, bonuses, labor agreement, teaching staff, stimulation system

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142140191

IDR: 142140191

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