Ecological evaluation of crop cultivation technologies on the pressure of running machine part on soil

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Mechanization of plant growing is traditionally carried out (and it will be carried out in future) by use of mobile cars. Thus, the number of the cars working in fields, the mass of each of them and the frequency rate of pass across the field increase. Therefore the problem of reconsolidation of soils moved forward on one of the first places among anthropogenous impacts on environment now. One of solutions of this problem is the creation or choice from available such cars and technologies of culti-vation of crops which would possess the smallest mechanical impact on the soil. Now impact on the soil is determined by the specific pressure of the running device of the concrete car upon the soil. However, this indicator does not allow making eco-logical assessment of the complex of cars or tech-nology of cultivation of crops that constrains the solution of the given problem. In this regard in the study estimated ecological indicators of technology are offered: the absolute - the total pressure of mobile cars upon the soil and relative - coefficients of ecological danger and safety of technology in the "pressure of cars upon the soil" parameter. These indicators allow considering the number of the field mechanized operations and their repeatability at implementation of technology of cultivation of crops, width of the trace of a tractor and pressure of its running device upon the soil, and also construc-tive width of working cars. Offered indicators can be applied at a choice and justification of technologies of cultivation of the crops providing the minimum pressure of cars upon the soil.


Cultivation technology, machine, ecological evaluation, indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224237

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