Ecological plasticity and stability of soft spring wheat varieties in the steppe zone of Omsk region

Автор: Pushkarev D.V., Chursin A.S., Kuzmin O.G., Krasnova Yu.S., Karakoz I.I., Shamanin V.P.

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (28), 2017 года.

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Results of studying of 13 grades of spring-sown weak field in 2013-2016 on fields of Niva joint-stock company of the Pavlohrad district, raspolozhennog are presented to a steppe zone of the Omsk region in article. The ecological plasticity and stability of grades on productivity of grain is determined by S.A. Eberkhart and U.A. Russell’s technique (1966). In experience the grades created in OMGAU together with scientific institutions of the region and a grade of SIBNIISKH are used: Aziyev’s memories (standard of sredneranny type), Omsk 36, Duet, (standard of mid-season type), OMGAU 90, Third, Pavlogradka, Stolypin (Lutescent 89-06), Eritrospermum 59, Sibakovsky anniversary, Eritrospermum 95-06 (OMGAU 95), Eritrospermum 80-09, Eritrospermum 85-08 (Element 22), Silvery (standard of srednepozdny type). The studied grades of wheat differed among themselves on a plasticity index of stability of productivity of grain. In general grades had average stability of productivity of grain. A grade Eritrospermum 85-08 had the greatest productivity on average for years of researches and is marked out as the most ductile, the grade efficiently used the favorable conditions for the environment for formation of productivity. For years of researches the productivity of grades varied from 2.16 to 4.62 t/hectare. The grade of Memory of Aziyev was the stablest on productivity of grain, in rigid conditions this grade gives productivity above an average. The productivity of this grade for years of tests was from 1.99 to 2.96 t/hectare. The received results are recommended to be used in selection programs of the region for creation of ductile grades with high stability on productivity of grain.


Ecological plasticity, steppe zone, soft spring-sown field, productivity

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IDR: 142213481

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