Environmentally sound means of reducing the harmfulness of fusarium wilt disease in sunflower agrobiocenosis

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The presented data of the defecate test and its positive role in reducing of Fusarium incidence in crops of sunflower. The defecate significantly depressed the development of Fusarium fungi in the soil, reducing the incidence of Fusarium by 10.8-3.4 %. After the applying of defecate the yield increased by 0.8-5.8 kg/ha compared to the control, oil yield increased by 0.7-2.2 % and the acid number decreased by 0.5. A smaller infestation of plants by Fusarium in the variant with a dose of defecate 3.9 t/ha resulted in large values of elements of yield structure: the surface of head exceeded the control in 1.6 times, the number of seeds in the head - in 1.2 times, the mass of seeds in head - in 1.5 times, one-thousand-kernel weight - in 1.2 times.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142151044

IDR: 142151044

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