Environmental control as a guarantee of the effectiveness of state environmental administration in the digital society (based on the example of state environmental control (supervision) over industrial waste management)

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The article discusses some results of the reform of control and supervision activities taking place in the Russian Federation from 2016 to the present. The pros and cons of the reform are illustrated by the example of environmental control, including control over waste management. Purpose: to analyze the results of the reform of control and supervision activities on the example of state environmental control (supervision) over industrial waste management. Methods: data retrieval and collection; data processing: description, generalization, classification, search for patterns; analysis of data processing results. Results: the current legal regulation of relations in the field of environmental control and supervision requires further improvement in order to achieve the goals set for reforming the entire system of control activities in the country, and to the system of state environmental administration. The situation when the achievement of some indicators occurs at the expense of reducing others in the public administration sector seems unacceptable, or rather short-sighted, especially when the achievement of economic indicators is prioritized over environmental ones.


State environmental administration, environmental control and supervision, state control in the field of waste management, reform of control and supervision activities

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142237956

IDR: 142237956   |   DOI: 10.33184/pravgos-2023.2.4

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