Environmental monitoring of especially protected natural territories state

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Especially protected natural territories (EPNT) are important in the solution of problems of rela-tionship between society and nature. Preservation of biological and landscape diversity in all forms is one of the main tasks of especially protected natu-ral territories. The object of our research was the Park of natural and recreational value, i.e. ‘Park of the World' in the city of Vologda. ‘The park of the World' has important nature protection, esthetic and ecological and educational and scientific value. The research objective was in the assessment of eco-logical state, studying of anthropogenous influ-ences and observance of nature protection actions in ‘Park of the World' of the city of Vologda. Opti-mum terms for carrying out environmental monitor-ing of the territory of natural territories were June and July. Examination can annually be conducted along the same route and on the same basic squares that will allow recording and comparing the condition of natural complexes, and also the changes happening in them, to give proved offers on their improvement. As a result of researches the description of vegetation, soil, a landscape, relief, organisms, conditions of the territory, anthro-pogenous influence was made. Along all route strong anthropogenous loading of the territory of a nature sanctuary was observed. The park experi-ences raised recreational strain in a summer and winter season. The density of a footpath network is big; the sites trodden and cluttered up with house-hold garbage are extensive, with a lot of campfires and damages of trees. More than 50 % of the terri-tory are in satisfactory and strongly changed state. The mode of protection is observed not completely. It is necessary to prohibit motor transport stops out of the equipped parking and highways, cultivation of fires, warehousing of household garbage etc.; to exercise control and timely informing on violation of a specific mode of protection; it is timely to carry out cleaning of the territory, sanitary actions for pro-tection of trees against wreckers; to organize regu-lar patrol of park by forces of police and the public for the purpose of observance of the nature protec-tion mode.


Environmental protection, ecology, especially protected natural territories, the park of the world, environmental monitoring, environment

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14084523

IDR: 14084523

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