Environmental and biological factors influencing the quality of milk in cows of Simmental breed under conditions of Yakutia

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The purpose of the research was to study some factors affecting the quality of milk of Simmental cows in Yakutia. The research problems were studying mineral structure of soils; the definition of the structure of phytocenosis and the research of forages on mineral structure; studying of biochemical and mineral composition of milk. Statistical data processing was carried out by standard methods of dispersive analysis according to B.A. Dospekhov and A.V. Vaulin, the significance value of distinctions of variation ranks was estimated by parametrical t-criterion of Student together with Microsoft Excel editor. Average content of microelements (Zn, Cu, Co, I, Mn, Se) in the top layer of soils in studied areas of the republic was determined. It was established that these sites were annually waterlogged by spring floods, washing away the most part of salts and minerals owing to it the soil became alkaline, influencing the growth and development of plants. The elements of plants eaten by animals on trophic chains pass into an organism, and, therefore, into a product (meat, milk)...


Simmental breed, republic of sakha (yakutia), trace elements in soils, phytocenosis, nutritional value of feed, mineral milk composition

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140245603

IDR: 140245603   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-52-59

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