Economic basic for digitalization of municipal property

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Currently, both academic economists and heads of local authorities pay great attention to processes related to the management of municipal property, with the insufficient development of regulatory legal documents, with the effectiveness of its operation, but not enough attention is paid to the need to digitize municipal property, as well as the economic prerequisite for its implementation. The author pays special attention to the need for a different approach to the digitalization of municipal property, taking into account the size of the city, the size of its population. A feature is distinguished in the difference in the budgets of large cities (more than 500,000 people) and not at all large, respectively, and the possibility of allocating a separate item to the expenditure part of the budget of the municipality for the digitalization of property. It is concluded that there is an economic basis for digitalization of urban movable and immovable property, various structures, real estate and land plots. Their digitalization will not only increase their cost and attract additional investments in the infrastructure of the municipality, but also allow more transparent management of existing municipal property, reduce the corruption component when concluding lease and sale agreements.


Property, digitalization, economic basis, municipality, authorities

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IDR: 149127491

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