Economic and regulatory incentives for the use of natural gas as a motor fuel to improve the quality of life of the urban population
Автор: Letyukhina M.A.
Журнал: Технико-технологические проблемы сервиса @ttps
Рубрика: Организационно-экономические аспекты сервиса
Статья в выпуске: 4 (70), 2024 года.
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The transportation system is one of the important subsystems of a modern city, and the quality of life of the urban population depends on its development. Conversion of part of transport to the use of NGV fuel instead of gasoline or diesel fuel allows to improve the quality of life in several aspects at once: to reduce the volume of emissions into the atmosphere, to reduce the noise level, to reduce the costs of households and businesses. This article analyzes a set of measures taken at the federal and regional level (St. Petersburg) to stimulate the transition to NGVs, and proposes additional measures that could accelerate the transition process.
Quality of life, ngv fuel, city transportation system
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